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Visual Arts 8

 Gaetz Brook Jr. High

Ms. Chisholm





Extra Help Day: Thursday


Welcome to Visual Arts 8! This year in art class you will be making art, thinking critically, assessing and critiquing your own work, brainstorming and sharing ideas, exploring different mediums, and growing and evolving as an artist!


The Visual Arts 8 curriculum focuses on three areas:


Creating, Making and Presenting

  • Exploring, challenging, developing, and expressing ideas using the skills, language, techniques,and processes of the arts

  • Creating and/or presenting, collaboratively and independently, expressive products for a range of audiences and purposes.


Understanding and Connecting Contexts of Time, Place and Community

  • Demonstrating critical awareness of, and value the role of the arts in creating and reflecting culture

  • Respecting the contributions of individuals and cultural groups to the arts in local and global contexts

  • Valuing the arts as a record of human experience and expression

  • Examining the relationship among the arts, societies, and environments


Perceiving and Responding

  • Applying critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to reflect on and respond to their own and others expressive works

  • Understanding the role of technologies in creating and responding to expressive works

  • Analyzing the relationship between artistic intent and the expressive work


Topics Covered:

Drawing- Contour Line, Tonal Range and Shading, Observational Drawing


Additive and Subtractive Sculpture

Screen Printing

The Elements and Principles of Art & Design

Watercolor Techniques and Landscapes


Materials needed for each class: sketchbook, duotang for handouts, pencils, and eraser


Sketchbook: Sketchbook assignments, sketches, and brainstorming will be done inside your sketchbook. Your sketchbook will be kept at school, unless you have permission to take it home. If you finish your classwork early and have free time, feel free to practice techniques, collage, paint, draw, and fill your sketchbook!


In Class Projects: The majority of your grade will come from in class projects. Rubrics will be discussed and offered at the beginning of each project. Due dates will be assigned for each project. You will be given plenty of time in class to work on projects, but you must use your class time wisely. If your project is not completed in class before the due date, you are expected to finish it outside of class in order to pass it in on time. Unfinished projects can be worked on at home or during extra help offered at lunch time.


Assessment and Evaluation: Your work, progress, and understanding of the curriculum will be assessed through both formal and informal assessments consisting of: class projects and assignments, observation, class and group discussions, sketchbook assignments, quizzes and reflections.

The following 4 point school-wide marking rubric is used to assess student achievement of outcomes:            

1 - Limited knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Limited application of related skills.

2 - Developing knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Developing the application of the related skills.

3 - Competent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Appropriate application of the related skills.

4 - In-depth knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Able to extend the application of related skills


Power School: Students, parents and guardians have access to PowerSchool through the GBJH website. Here you will be able to see assessment marks and missing and overdue work.


Absences & Missed Time: If you miss class, it is your responsibility to see Ms. Chisholm to find out what work you have missed. If you are absent the day an assignment or project is due, it is your responsibility to pass in the work the day you return to school. If you are absent the day a quiz is written, you are expected to write the quiz the following class. Students can come in before or after school to check in with me about missed work, or during lunchtime extra help.


Late / Missing Work: All students are provided with a reasonable due date for assignments. If the due date for an assignment is missed, it will be at the discretion of the teacher and principal to extend the deadline. Students who do not adhere to the extended deadline will have missed that opportunity to demonstrate achievement towards the outcomes addressed in that particular assignment.

Extra Help: Extra help will be offered at lunchtime on Thursday. If you need help outside of this time, please speak with Ms. Chisholm to arrange an alternate time.

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